Monday, 11 May 2015

Why your LinkedIn profile photo is important!

There are two old sayings; 'first impressions count" and '"you never get a second chance to make a good first impression". As old as they may be they most certainly apply to your LinkedIn profile photo. A quick look through LinkedIn will show you a lot of people miss the mark with their photo.

More importantly your photo (or lack of one) may be the reason why people choose not to connect with you?

Here are few reasons why your photo is so important:
  • You will be remembered and recognised. The default light grey ugly box in the photo area gives people no idea who you are.
  • Your photo tells people something about your personality. Your photo should say what kind of person you are, creative, authoritative, welcoming, etc.

         Here are couple of examples...

  • Going to the effort to have a professional photo taken shows that you think your profile is important and that you are willing to invest in who you are.
  • Having a carefully considered photo will increase your chances of your profile being opened and getting connected.
  • Your photo shows you understand the importance of branding. It was commonly believed that a LinkedIn photo was either highly professional or business casual but some people are breaking boundaries by posting photos that reflect what they do.
  • Realise LinkedIn is a networking application, not your resume which doesn’t include a photo. LinkedIn members feel more comfortable networking with people they can see. Having said hat remember that this not Facebook or a dating site.
  • A photo shows you’ve gotten over yourself and taken that sometimes scary step toward online networking by disclosing your identity.
  • Your photo is about you, not your company. Your profile is about you and not your company, that’s why there are LinkedIn company pages. The 'grey box' or company logo look like you have something to hide.

Check out our LinkedIn profile and see what you think of our photo after having read this short guide.

We are always happy to discuss how your LinkedIn profile can be written to synchronise with your resume and showcase who you are. Book a complimentary consultation now.

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