Monday, 29 October 2012

8 signs you may have found your life's work

Finding your calling or ‘life’s work’ is not easy or simple and is as much a journey as a destination. There are a few signposts along the way. Here are 8 signs you may have found your life's work.
1. It doesn't feel like work.
Your life's work is not a "job"--it's a way of living. Your work enables you to create the lifestyle you want for yourself and your lifestyle includes your work. You frequently stop and think to yourself, "Wait, am I seriously working right now and getting paid to do this?" You can hardly distinguish between work, play, and life--as they are all intertwined. In everything you do, you are constantly pursuing your vision of optimal living.

2. You are aligned with your core values. 
Your life's work is an extension of your beliefs and worldview. You live in integrity because what you do is in accordance with who you are. This alignment will inspire you to move a small mountain if that's what you have to do to realize your vision. Every day you work to manifest and actualize the world you see in your mind’s eye. With this sort of focus you'll make the world more alive, beautiful and well.

3. You are willing to suffer.
Passion comes from the latin word 'pati,' which means 'to suffer.' Your life's work is less about following a passion and more about your willingness to suffer along the way. The journey will be immensly challenging at times. You'll be exposed to unexpected challenges and setbacks and you may endure hardship, rejection, and sacrifice. These roadblocks will motivate you. In fact, you see the short-term pain and discomfort as tremendous opportunities for learning, growth and depth. It is how you grow in your skill set and expertise. .

4. You experience frequent  flow.
You naturally and often fall "in flow," deeply immersed by your work and the present moment. At 1:13 p.m. you realize five hours have gone by since you looked at the clock last. It is that sense of time standing still and being caught up in the moment, being and doing what you were created for. Flow isn't something you have to force; it just happens. This something that is more likely to happen when you doing things that match your ‘style’, how you show up in life, your personality type.

5. You make room for living.
Your work provides you the ability to live fully and enjoy life. Though you feel captivated and enthralled by your work, you make room for healthy routines like fitness, connection, spontaneity, and play. These activities re-energize and enable you to live a holistically fulfilling life. This can be stark contract to having a job where your leisure time is just a compensation and relief!

6. Commitment is an honour.
When you discover your life's work, the question of commitment is easy. There is no hesitation or questioning as to whether or not the work is right for you. Your heart says yes. Your mind says yes. Your body says yes. Commitment to your work feels like breathing. You cannot imagine spending your time dedicated to any other purpose.

7. The people who matter notice.
"You look vibrant!" and "I've never seen you so healthy and happy!" and "This is without question what you're meant to be doing!" are among the comments you may hear from the people closest to you when you're on the right path. It's important to note that these people who care for you deeply may also be the first to question and worry in the early stages. But, once you are thriving, they'll notice and lovingly support your efforts. Even better people who do not know you will also notice that you bring a ‘presence’ with you that is attractive.

8. You fall asleep exhausted, fulfilled, and ready for tomorrow.
You go to sleep each night grateful for the day. You know you're on the right path, you gave the day your all, and you can't wait to do it all over again tomorrow. This is your life and you cannot imagine living it any other way.

This post acknowledges Amber Rae, Founder & CEO of The Bold Academy for these insights.

PS. Remember this is a journey that begins with knowing who you are and how you have been put together with specific God given gifts, strengths and abilities that are already in you ready for you apply to your mission in life. The journey also flows out the thoughts and beliefs you focus on and when the intention clear the mechanisms will appear.

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